Welcome to Bergen, and Norway's western coast - virtually!
End-of-Day Ceremony Day 1 - Tuesday 28.9.2021
1900 -1930 Welcome to Bergen and Award Ceremony
The Mayor from Bergen Kommune greets from Bergen
Awards for best oral presentation and best poster and a Gaming award for ECTMIH
19:30 Climate Symphony
End-of-Day Ceremony Day 2 - Wednesday 29.9.2021
1900-1920 Award Ceremony
Awards for best oral presentation and best poster and a Gaming award
Presented by FESTMIH: Karel Gyselinck and Esther Jürgens
19:30 2040
Closing Ceremony Day 3 - Thursday 30.9.2021
1800 Closing ceremony
Awards for Photo competition and Gaming by FESTMIH: Karel Gyselinck and Esther Jürgens
Thanks, Thorkild Tylleskär and Bente Moen
Closing remarks and presentation of ECTMIH-23, Karel Gyselinck

ECTMIH 2021 is organised by the University of Bergen on behalf of the Federation of European Societies for Tropical Medicine and International Health with enabling partners (Centre for International Health and Pandemic Centre, UiB; Haukeland University Hospital; Global Health Norway, the Norwegian Research School of Global Health; and the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) and sponsors (Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute; the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership; and Merck) and supported by the Research Council of Norway.
The abstracts will be presented in a special issue of the Journal of Tropical Medicine & International Health.